Subject: UnixWare Frequently Asked Questions (Miscellaneous Troubleshooting)
   Date:    14 Sep 1997
   From: (Andrew Josey)
           comp.unix.unixware.misc, comp.answers, news.answers

 Archive-name: unix-faq/unixware/trouble
 Posting-Frequency: monthly
 Last-modified: Aug 10 1997
 Version: 2.15

For more information about the files which compose the total UnixWare FAQ,
see the "FAQ Overview" file posted regularly on the Internet newsgroup

The purpose of this document is to provide miscellaneous hints and
troubleshooting tips for UnixWare 2.x, for information that does not seem to
fit elsewhere in the FAQs.

If you have free UnixWare 2.1.2 also see the URL first.

Some of the installation information is extracted from the UnixWare 2
Installation Handbook - please consult that for further information. For
information on invoking the DCU - see the Autoconfiguration FAQ. Much
information has been gathered from the netnews, some from the World Wide Web
Technical support databases, see the acknowledgements section.

Its maintainer is Andrew Josey (andrew(a) Suggestions
and contributions welcome.

This document and the other FAQ files may be found on the world wide web at

This document may also be obtained by anonymous ftp from the freebird
archive at


Small print: This file is Copyright 1997 Permission is granted
for copying for non-commercial use. Many proper names of companies and
software mentioned in these files are trademarks of their respective owners.
All views are those of the individual contributors and not of their

This FAQ contains the following questions and answers:

Installation Troubleshooting:

T0) How do i find out hardware compatibility, ie. does UnixWare support my
T1) How do i find out whether UnixWare supports my Host Bus Adapter (hba)
T1.1) Installation fails intermittently on my Adaptec 1542B, what should I
T1.2) My system automatically detects two Adaptec 2940 PCI SCSI controllers
when I only have one, what should I do?
T1.3) The system does not recognise my Adaptec 1542CP, what should I do?
T2) What to do if the Booting UnixWare Message is not displayed
T3) What to do if the system Panics or Resets While Booting from the Install
Diskette, for example on an IBM Thinkpad 755CX.
T4) Your PCI system hangs or panics during installation
T5) The system hangs on a reboot.
T6) You've installed a new kernel and it fails to boot.
T7) What to do if your Resource Manager Database gets Corrupted
T8) Your machine has the Power Saver Option Enabled
T9) UnixWare does not see the additional 16 MB added to my machine with the
existing 16 MB, what should I do?
T10) Is there support for IDE/ ATAPI CD-ROM drives? And which drives are
T10.1) Sony CD33A & Unix 2.01 Install
T11) Installing Windows 95 on the same disk as a UnixWare partition
overwrites the boot loader. What can I do?

Desktop and X Troubleshooting:

T12) Desktop tools stop working .
T13) Desktop tools stop working when using a monochrome vga monitor
T14) How do I configure Mosaic to change its Home page and
foreground/background colours?
T15) Where can I find a driver for my SVGA card ?
T16) How do I change from a 2 button to 3 button mouse?

Comms Troubleshooting:

T17) How to update the default modem speed from 38.4 to 115.2
T18) How to setup UUCP over TCP/IP between two UnixWare machines
T19) How to setup UUCP over TCP/IP between UnixWare and another O/S running
T20) How do I get my serial communications working?
T21) In UW1.x in order to use the 16550 UART chips in my serial card, I
needed to use the asyhp driver. Is this still necessary in UW2?
T22) How can I debug outgoing modem connections?
T23) How can I quickly setup outgoing uucp?
T24) How can I access a Comms port from DOS running under UnixWare?

General Troubleshooting:

T25) Where do I find updates and patches for UnixWare 2?
T26) How can I set the machine to auto reboot on a panic ?

Laptop & PCMCIA Troubleshooting:

T27) Does UnixWare-x.x support Card and Socket Services ?
T27.1) Does UnixWare support PCMCIA?
T27.2) What PCMCIA cards work with UnixWare?
T27.3) How do I get my XXXX modem card working ?
T27.4) How do I get my 3Com 3c589x or the Xircom ethernet card working ?
T27.5) Are there any pitfalls when installing UnixWare 2.x on a laptop with
PCMCIA support?
T27.6) What laptop video chipsets does UnixWare support?

NetWare connectivity:

T28) Are there any problem in getting UnixWare/NetWare connections up and

Pkginstall problems:

T29) When installing the 2.02 update, an error appearead about a bad entry
on the contents file - how can this be fixed?
T30) How do I install the *.pkg.tar.Z files from the freebird archive?

Networking problems (also see the Howto Setup Networking FAQ):

T31) How do I configure support for WWW virtual hosts, so that one machine
can have several IP addresses?
T32) How do I setup the NFS automounter?
T33) How do I change the IP address and name of a UnixWare box?
T34) SMC NIC install & TF2047 (UW2.01)

Miscellaneous Other problems:

T35) How can I read the size of installed memory in a UnixWare system?
T36) I have UnixWare 2.03 and have problems reading multiple files from
floppy (the machine has 32MB of RAM).
T37) How do I found out the number of max processes a UnixWare machine is
set for?
T38) I've lost the root password, what do I do now?
T39) How to recover with an Emergency boot?
T40) Where are the system messages and log files on UnixWare?
T41) How can I revert to the BSD form of (restricted) chown?
T42) Why do I get 'syslog: accept: SIOCGPGRP failed errno 22' in syslog
files ?
T43) How to turn off multiprocessors in a Unixware 2?
T44) How to avoid the check for open virtual screens when loggin on the
T45) How to increase per-process size limits to avoid Virtual MEmory
Exceeded errors?


SCO has a set of Web pages containing hardware compatibility for
all of SCO's server products.  Certified hardware for UnixWare 2 has been
merged into those pages which can be found at

The freebird project has a hardware compatibility register, where
UnixWare users can register working hardware configurations.

UnixWare2 supports a selection of HBA's on the boot disk
and a separate HBA disk. This section describes the support
for UnixWare 2.01 and UnixWare 2.02/2.03 (it would be helpful
if someone suggested how to update this section for 2.1 -mod)

The UnixWare 2.03 HBA diskette is available from:, or

Due to problems with the 2.03 README file, the changes in 2.03
are not fully described here but the 2.02 HBA set is, one change
that is known is the addition of support IDE CDROM support (see
later in this Install section).

Section A: UnixWare 2.01 HBA Support (see later for 2.02 HBA)

Some 2.x drivers will automatically detect the interrupt, I/O
port, memory address and DMA channel.  When this applies to the
driver, "auto" will be listed under "Irq/IO/Mem".  Other UnixWare
2.x drivers require that you use DCU (Device Configuration
Utility) to configure the driver or set the scsi controller to
the predetermined interrupt, I/O port, and/or memory address
before installation.  Using DCU, these can all be changed after
the UnixWare installation.

SCSI Adapter     Bus Type  Driver  Irq/IO/Mem    Driver available from:
============     ========  ======  ========== ======================
------- Adaptec, Inc. -------  Phone: 800-959-7274
1505/1515 - These cards use a variation of the 6360 chipset and
are defined by Adaptec as VERY low end cards.  They will support
DOS and Windows only.  The Installation Handbook incorrectly
lists the AHA-1505 as supported by the adss driver.  There is no
AHA-1505, only the ADA-1505.

1510, 1512         ISA      adss   10/340/DC000  2.0.1 hba disk, Adaptec
(This card has no bios and therefore cannot be used for a
primary hard drive)

1520, 1522 /A      ISA      adss   10/340/DC000  2.0.1 hba disk, Adaptec
(**chipset: 6x60)

1540, 1542 /B/C/CF ISA      adsc   11/330/DC000  boot disk or Adaptec

1640               MCA      adsc   11/330/DC000  boot disk or Adaptec

1740, 1742 /A      EISA     adse   auto          2.0.1 hba disk

(In standard mode this card emulates a 154x and uses the adsc

2740, 2742 /T      EISA     adsa   auto          2.0.1 hba disk, Adaptec

(**chipset: 7770)

(Due to problems with the second channel on the 2740-T/2742-T,
this card is supported by Novell when only the first channel is
used.  The 2740-W/2742-W is supported by Adaptec.)

2840, 2842         VLB      adsa              ***2.0.1 hba disk, Adaptec

(**chipset: 7770.  If you do not have the 2.0.1 hba
diskette, you MUST contact Adaptec for a driver.  SEE THE NOTE

2940, 2942, 3940   PCI             auto          2.0.2 hba disk

(**chipset: 7870)

chipset 7850                       auto          2.0.2 hba disk

3985 RAID Adapter  PCI

Adaptec has a NetWare driver for this card, but UnixWare support
has not been released as of this date.  Please call Adaptec for
the latest information on a driver for this card.

------- AMD -------
Am53c974 PCscsi, Am79c974 PCnet-scsi

                            PCI              auto      2.0.2 hba disk

------- AT&T -------
WGS Adapter        ISA     wd7000  15/350/CE000  boot disk

(manufactured by Western Digital) see Symbios Logic below

------- Bus Logic -------  Phone: 408-492-9090
BT-946C, 956C/CD   PCI      blc    auto          2.0.1 hba disk
(The 956C/CD is supported by Bus Logic.)

BT-440C, 445C/S    VLB      blc    11            2.0.1 hba disk
(The 440C and 445C are supported by Bus Logic.)

BT-742A, 746C, 747C/S/D, 757C/CD/S/D

                   EISA            auto          2.0.1 hba disk
(The 746C, 747C, and 757C/CD are supported by Bus Logic.)

BT-540CF, 542B/D, 545C/S

                   ISA             11/330/DC000  2.0.1 hba disk

(The 540CF and 545C are supported by Bus Logic.)

BT-640A, 646S/D    MCA             auto          2.0.1 hba disk

------- Compaq Computer Corporation -------
32-Bit FAST SCSI-2 EISA     cpqsc  auto          2.0.1 hba disk

(This driver will NOT work with the integrated SCSI-2 PCI

IDA, IDA-2, IDAE (Expansion System), SMART SCSI Array
                            EISA     ida        auto          2.0.1 hba disk

------- DAC (Mylex) -------
Dac960 (2 channel, 3 channel, and 5 channel)
                            dak    auto          2.0.1 hba disk

------- Distributed Processing Technology -------
DPT-2011/95, 2021/95
                   ISA      dpt    15/170/C8000  boot disk

DPT-2012A/95, 2012B/B2/95, PM2022/95, PM2122A/95X
                            EISA     dpt    auto          boot disk

DPT-2322                    dpt    15

------- Future Domain Corporation -------
                            ISA      fdeb    5/0/CA000    2.0.1 hba disk

TMC 1650/1670, 1660/1680, 1610MER/MEX/M, 3260, IC-18C30,
IC-18C50, IC-36C70, MCS 600/700,

                   ISA/EISA fdsb   11/140        2.0.1 hba disk

(EISA controllers will auto configure the fdsb driver.)

------- Hewlet Packard -------
Vectra and possibly others.  See AMD.

------- IBM -------
MCIS-1015, 1018    MCA      mcis   auto          2.0.1 hba disk

IBM 16-Bit AT Fast SCSI-2 Adapter

                   ISA      fdsb    5            2.0.1 hba disk

------- Mylex -------
see DAC above

------- NCR -------
see Symbios Logic below

------- Olivetti -------
EFP2 SCSI                   efp2   auto          2.0.1 hba disk

------- Symbios Logic -------
53c8xx chipset, 8xxxx host adapter boards

(See the 2.02/2.03 HBA for support for the Symbios Logic (formely NCR or
AT&T-GIS) 53c8xx chipset and/or Symbios Logic 8xxxx host adapter boards.
The driver will not load on Compaq platforms or integrated 53c8xx's on
Compaq 53c8xx EISA/PCI host bus adapter boards in a Compaq platform.
See the seperate 2.02/2.03 driver for 53c8xx support for Compaq

------- Tricord -------
PowerFrame                  iiop   auto          2.0.1 hba disk

------- UltraStor -------
UltraStor has not made any drivers available for 2.x at this time.

------- Western Digital -------
7000               ISA      wd7000 15/350/CE000  boot disk

**      Problems arise in a some cases when scsi chipsets have been
placed directly on the motherboard or on a 3rd party controller.
Often the controller is not given the full functionality the
chipset was intended to  have.

***     The adsa driver will not auto configure with the Adaptec
2840/42 controller.  The fundamental problem is that the VLB
(Vesa Local Bus) can't tell the system what kind of slots or
cards they have.  As it happens, the adsa driver (for the Adaptec
7770 chip) is mainly targeted for the 2740 card, an EISA device.

        To make the adsa driver work with the 2840/42 controller,
enter the DCU when prompted after loading the HBA diskette.  (If
you are not installing, you will not be prompted to enter the
DCU).  Go to "Software Drivers", and "Host Bus Adapters".  Move
the cursor to the "adsa" entry (note that the AHA-2842 is not
mentioned, but this is the right driver nevertheless).  Hit
for "new".  Change the ITYPE field from 4 to 3.  Change the
interrupt number to match the value the card is set to.  Hit
 to save and exit, and then exit out from the DCU, saving
your changes.

        This procedure can be repeated if a second 284x is to be used
during the installation.  In other words, hit  again for the
second card.

Section B: : HBA202 - UnixWare 2.02/2.03 HBA drivers

The 2.02/2.03 HBA package contains new drivers as well as all
maintenance, enhancements, and fixes for  UnixWare 2.01 HBA

*  Highlights

The following is a list of new and enhanced drivers which
are included in this package:

          - fdeb - Future Domain HBA Driver

          - fdsb - Future Domain HBA Driver

          - wd7000 - Western Digital HBA Driver

          - zl5380 - Media Vision HBA Driver

          - amd - Advanced Micro Devices HBA Driver

          - blc - Bus Logic HBA Driver

          - c8xx - Symbios Logic HBA Driver

          - dpt - DPT HBA Driver

          - adsl - Adaptec HBA Driver

          - ida - COMPAQ HBA Driver

          - cpqsc - COMPAQ HBA driver

*  Features

The following HBAs are new or enhanced for 2.02/2.03:

-  Future Domain HBA Driver fdeb

The fdeb driver provided by this package has enhanced
direct  access to the SCSI peripherals (pass-thru) and extended
read/write support.

The default UnixWare configuration is interrupt 5 and
memory address CA000-CBFFF.

-  Future Domain HBA Driver fdsb

Enhanced direct access to the SCSI peripherals (pass-thru)
and extended read/write support are provide in fdsb in
this package. Also, support for the Future Domain PNP-1630
adapter has been added to the driver.

The default UnixWare configuration is interrupt 11 and I/O
address 140-14F.

- Western Digital HBA Driver wd7000

Enhanced direct access (pass-thru) ioctl support is
available in this release of the driver.

The default UnixWare configuration is interrupt 15, I/O
address 350-357, and memory address CE000-CFFFF.

-  Media Vision HBA Driver zl5380

Support for the Media Vision Pro Audio Spectrum 16 adapter
is provided in the this package. Note that this support is
SCSI only, and that support for audio on this adapter
is not provided.

The default UnixWare configuration is interrupt 10 and I/O
address 388-38B. Interrupt and I/O settings should be
verified using the Quick Start program provided with the
controller (runs under DOS).

-  New Advanced Micro Devices HBA driver amd

The new amd HBA driver is provided in this update.  This
driver supports the following adapters:

            Am53C974 PCscsi
            Am79C974 PCnet-scsi.

Tagged command queuing is supported, and the UnixWare
auto- configuration utility is responsible for configuring the
adapter for use with the system.

-  Bus Logic HBA Driver blc

blc has been modified to support the following adapters:

            BT-7942 (RAID)

These adapters and the blc driver support "WIDE SCSI,"
tagged command queuing (if enabled), and  hot insert.  The
UnixWare auto-configuration utility is responsible for
configuring the adapter for use with the system.

-  Symbios Logic HBA driver c8xx

The 2.02/2.03 HBA package provides the Symbios Logic HBA c8xx.
This driver supports the following PCI to SCSI adapters
and controllers:

            Symbios Logic 8100S (adapter)
            Symbios Logic 8251S (adapter)
            Symbios Logic 53c810 (controller)
            Symbios Logic 53c820 (controller)
            Symbios Logic 53c825 (controller)
            Symbios Logic 53c815 (controller)

Tagged command queuing, WIDE SCSI and hot insert are supported.

The UnixWare auto-configuration utility is responsible for
configuring the adapter for use with the system. The
driver will support the Symbios Logic (NCR Microelectronics)
53c8xx family. The driver will NOT load on COMPAQ Computer
Corporation's 53c8xx host adapters in COMPAQ machines. The
user must use the update cpqsc driver for the 53c8xx in
COMPAQ machines.

-  DPT HBA driver dpt

The dpt driver has been enhanced to support WIDE SCSI, hot
insertion/removal and EATA direct access to the SCSI peripherals
(pass-thru). The Storage Manager utility is   supplied by DPT directly.
You can monitor the the controller and target devices via the Storage
Manager, in addition to performing diagnostic and maintenance tasks.
Tagged command queuing is still supported by the controller
firmware without driver intervention.

EISA and PCI versions of the DPT controllers are completely
auto-configured and require no special configuration. ISA
versions of the DPT controllers need to be configured as
follows: I/O Address - 170 (also called "secondary"),
Interrupt 15 and the controller BIOS can be configured at
any non-conflicting address.

-  The New Adaptec HBA Driver adsl

adsl supports the following adapters:


WIDE SCSI peripherals may be used with the AHA-2940W

The UnixWare auto-configuration utility is responsible for
configuring the adapter for use with the        system.

-  COMPAQ HBA Driver ida

ida has been modified as follows:

          - support for more than seven disks
          - support for WIDE SCSI
          - corrected interaction with CIM agents
          - corrected operation of ida controllers with IDE
            compatible interfaces

The UnixWare auto-configuration utility is responsible for
configuring the adapter for use with the        system.

-  COMPAQ cpqsc HBA Driver cpqsc

The COMPAQ cpqsc HBA driver is updated in this release.  The
driver supports the following:

COMPAQ Integrated 32-bit
COMPAQ Integrated 32-bit Fast-SCSI-2 (CPQ4410)
COMPAQ 32-bit Fast-SCSI-2 (CPQ4411)
COMPAQ Integrated 32-bit Fast-SCSI-2/E (CPQ4430)
COMPAQ 32-bit Fast-SCSI-2/E (CPQ4431)
COMPAQ Integrated 32-bit Fast-SCSI-2/P (Symbios Logic 53C810)
COMPAQ 32-bit Fast-SCSI-2/P (Symbios Logic 53C825)

Support for WIDE  SCSI peripherals, tagged command queuing,
and hot insertion has been added.

The driver will support COMPAQS Fast-SCSI-2 family of
controllers.  The driver  will NOT support the Symbios
Logic (NCR Microelectronics) c8xx host adapters.

Check the jumpers for the speed setting. Some cards will fail to install
when the DMA transfer rate is set too high, say 8MB/sec. Change
this to 5MB/sec and retry, this is typically removing jumpers 12 and 13
from block J5.

controllers when I only have one, what should I do?

This is a well-known problem that affects some, but not all PCI
motherboards. Obtain tf2069.tar (note that some of
the other tf2069 files on the ftp site are corrupt, so get this
larger file) to extract a new boot floppy for the
AS as well as the PE.  (NB, you still need the original install
floppy 1 in order to license your installation -- see release notes of
ptf2069 for more detail.)

   what should I do?

I ordered an Adaptec 1542CF and got (instead) 1542CP.  I have tried
a first time installation of Unixware and can't succeed.  DCU shows
one device as UNKNOWN at the bottom of the list with parameters which
can't be changed (as far as I can tell), and don't appear to match
my board.  Can I use the Adaptec 1542CP (the "P" is for plug and play)?

The solution is to disable the Plug & Play feature in the
Adaptec 1542CP's BIOS. Use IRQ 11 & 330 as the port address (as noted
above for the 1542C).

Check whether the boot disk drive contains a diskette. If so,
remove the diskette and reboot your system. Otherwise, you may have a
system hardware problem. See the documentation provided with your
hardware. Many add-on devices and cards come with configuration
utilities. Check all the  connections and run the configuration

Problem. After booting your system with the Install Diskette, the UnixWare
logo screen is displayed and then the system either displays a panic message or
resets (the system FIRMWARE messages are displayed again).

You can either try an alternate boot diskette from
This is known to work when installing on an IBM Thinkpad 755CX.

If you still have a problem read on.

This problem is typically the result of not running a hardware
configuration program, such as the ECU or the CMOS setup program, before
installing UnixWare. To fix the problem, run all machine and peripheral
hardware setup programs provided by your hardware vendor and verify that
your hardware is correctly configured. In particular, check your memory
size/control, cache control, bus speed, and video specifications. See your
hardware documentation for details.

For example, this problem may occur if the correct amount of memory is not
configured. (To determine the amount of memory on your system, either check
your hardware documentation or CMOS settings.)

If running hardware setup programs does not solve the problem, then there
may be a memory problem. You can try to manually set the amount of memory
on your system as follows

1.      Reboot your system.

2.      When the Booting UnixWare... prompt or the logo is
displayed, press the 

The interactive boot session prompt, [boot]#, is displayed.

3.      Set the MEMRANGE parameter by typing



where, n is the amount of available contiguous RAM in megabytes.

4.      Continue the installation of your system until you are
asked to reboot the system.

5.      When prompted to reboot your system, invoke a UnixWare shell by


The VT0> prompt is displayed.

6.      Update the /stand/boot file by typing

echo "MEMRANGE=0-640K:256,1M-nM:16896" \

>> /stand/boot

7.      Type


8.      Continue the installation .

    T4)Your PCI system hangs or panics during installation

Symptom: This problem will normally be seen as a system panic during the initial boot sequence, with the following format: Kernel Mode Address Fault on user address ... Background: UnixWare 2.1 provides support for PCI systems which conform to the PCI 2.1 bus specification. The installation assumes that PCI systems will provide support for all PCI 2.1 BIOS calls, but some motherboards only conform to the older PCI 2.0 standard. Solution: If you suspect that your system has this problem perform the following procedure. 1. Press reset (or power the computer off, then on again if you do not have a reset button). 2. Wait for the Booting UnixWare... prompt. Hold the space bar down until you get the # prompt for an interactive boot session. 3. Hit the key to get a fresh prompt, then type the following commands: # PCISCAN=2.0 # go 4. If you still experience the same problem it is likely that your system makes non-standard (or very old standard) PCI BIOS calls. You could follow the above procedure, setting PCISCAN=NO instead of PCISCAN=2.0. However, this will mean that the system will not automatically detect PCI peripherals. If you do this you will need to manually configure your PCI devices using DCU. It is probably easier, safer and less time consuming to get hold of a better motherboard than to attempt this. 5.When prompted to reboot your system, invoke a UnixWare shell by typing -- The VT0> prompt is displayed. 6. Update the /stand/boot file by typing echo "PCISCAN=2.0" >> /stand/boot 7. Type -- 8. Continue the installation.

    T5) The system hangs on a reboot.

- If your computer has a hard disk drive greater than one gigabyte and you have an Adaptec 1542 SCSI controller with extended translation enabled, disable the extended translation. - If your computer already had an operating system (for example, OS/2) before installing UnixWare, it may have a "boot code" on the hard disk which is incompatible with UnixWare. If this is the case, UnixWare will not boot and you may receive a message such as Cannot Load User Driver or No Active Partition Found. You should obtain the osbs from

    T6) You've installed a new kernel and it fails to boot.

You can restore the old UnixWare system as follows: 1.Press reset 2.Wait for the Booting UnixWare... prompt; then press the key to begin an interactive boot session. 3.When the [boot]# prompt is displayed, type KERNEL=unix.old go

    T7) What to do if your Resource Manager Database gets Corrupted

Problem. The system will not boot and an error message indicates that the resource manager database, /stand/resmgr, is either corrupted or missing. Solution. Reboot UnixWare. Press when the Booting UnixWare... prompt is displayed. The interactive boot session prompt, [boot]#, is then displayed. Type RESMGR=resmgr.sav GO This loads a backup copy of the resource manager database. You system should then reboot. When the system comes up you may want to invoke the DCU to verify that all device driver parameters are set correctly. A corrupted or missing resource manager database is normally the result of improper changes made when adding/modifying hardware parameters.

    T8) Your machine has the Power Saver Option Enabled

Problem. Installation fails at random points after the hard disk is set up (or the message WARNING: Disk Driver Request Timed Out, Resetting Controller is displayed after a successful installation) on systems with the "Power Saver" option (also referred to as "Power Management" or "Green PC") enabled. Solution. Turn off the "green/energy star" power saving time outs in the system BIOS. (Refer to the hardware manual for details.)

    T9) UnixWare does not see the additional 16 MB added

to my machine with the existing 16 MB, what should I do? If it's an ESIA machine it's very important the the EISA config is run correctly. And then there is page 132 of the Installation Handbook. "Create a /stand/boot file with the following entry: MEMRANGE=0-640K:256,1M-16M:512,16M-nnM:8704 where nn equals the actual amount of RAM memory, in megabytes. see boot(4)"

    T10 )Is there support for IDE/ ATAPI CD-ROM drives?

You need either hba203.tar or tf2197.tar These can be obtained from tf2197.tar: 102400 bytes TF2197 - IDE Host Bus Adapter Driver -- 11-15-95/20:12p PTF2197 provides UnixWare 2.01 with support for the IDE HBA driver for use with ATAPI CD-ROM devices. The following ATAPI CD-ROMs have been tested (other drives may or may not work): Mitsumi ATAPI CD-ROMs with firmware of BB03, BE01L, BB04, and BS01. Toshiba ATAPI CD-ROM XM-5302 with firmware of TA1095. Sony ATAPI CD-ROM CDU76E-S with firmware of 1.0C. If you are installing afresh: (1) Boot off the UW2.01 boot floppy (2) When prompted install 2.03 HBA disk (3) Enter DCU Software Drivers Host Bus Adaptors Deselect all but the ide driver Select F5 for new The primary PCI IDE controller, if used, should be configured with: IRQ 14 IOStart 1F0 IOEnd 1FF MemStart 10000 (THE DEFAULT VALUES) MemEnd 10001 Select F5 for new The secondary PCI IDE controller, if used, should be configured with: IRQ 15 IOStart 170 IOEnd 17F MemStart 0 MemEnd 0 NOTE on MemStart and MemEnd values: ------------------------------------- Kevin Bulgrien reports: If you have trouble with zeroes, using "-" for both IDE drivers' MEM Start and MEM End addresses is perfectly fine. In fact, given that the standard IDE controller does not usually map any memory address, my _estimation_ is that the default values on the DCU's new instances of ide are probably not really legitimate. (END Note) Go into HW Configuration again, if you have three ide controllers switch the first to N Then exit, save changes and apply If you have a running system, you can pkgadd the hba diskette, and then enter the dcu. (Before attempting this you may want to ensure you have created your emergency boot diskettes). If installation fails and you cannot boot the operating system, the recovery procedure is as follows: 1.Press reset 2.Wait for the Booting UnixWare... prompt; then press the key to begin an interactive boot session. 3.When the [boot]# prompt is displayed, type KERNEL=unix.old go If that does not work then Before the go add RESMGR=resmgr.sav This loads a backup copy of the resource manager database. Your system should then reboot. Kevin Bulgrien reports further experiences: The machine: 486DX4-120, DTC-2278 VESA Bus IDE controller, 1.6GB Maxtor Master on primary IDE channel, Mitsumi FX400 Master on secondary IDE channel, Partition 1 is bootable Novell DOS 7 and is 256 cylinders or max size for 8K clusters under DOS; Partition 2 is 256 cylinders and is defined as an extended DOS partition used as "D:" when booted on DOS; Partition 3 is 277 cylinders to be used for the bootable UnixWare installation. IDE controller/BIOS is set to use LBA, Block Mode, and 32 bit transfers - works great on DOS. The symptoms: If you are installing UW 2.01 from an IDE CD-ROM on top of an existing UNIX partition, you will not be able to do so without first deleting the UNIX partition. I made a mistake on an install, (or, if you will, so screwed things up that I wanted a clean reload instead of a fixed up install), and decided to reinstall from CD and wipe out the old installation. No matter what you do, the boot disk for 2.01 WILL NOT allow you to reload from CD as long as there is a valid UNIX partition defined. In fact, no matter what you pick at the install screen where you are given the chance to "Proceed with the installation", or "Enter the DCU", you will never get to the DCU to configure the ide channels. You always proceed directly to the options for install - which DO NOT list the CD as an option. This screen only comes up after a very lone wait of about 5 minutes. Repeat, there is no way to access the DCU to configure the IDE to allow use of the CD-ROM drive! I tried different ways around this, ie. load order of the HBA and TF2197 HBA, warm start, cold start, retries in case I mistyped something out of frustration, set active partition to DOS partition, all to no avail. The fix - yeah, right - NOT! Delete the UNIX partition. Seem simple? Not so. The DR-DOS 6 disk which comes with UW 2.01 does not have an FDISK which allows deletion of non-DOS partitions. Novell DOS 7.0's FDISK does not allow this either. I had to find an MS-DOS boot disk with FDISK on it. MS-DOS' FDISK does allow you to delete non-DOS partitions. Once the UNIX partition is deleted, installation proceeds normally. Surely this is a bug in the TF2197 HBA? Does the same thing happen for the 2.03 HBA? I will shortly be finding out. Are there any dissenting facts concerning this work-around? I would be delighted to learn of a way to not have to delete the UNIX partition. Conjecture about other results of this possible bug: I have never successfully used the Emergency Boot disks. To be fair, I have not tried them more than a couple of times. I have noticed, without reading details, many messages about the emergency boot disks not working. Is it possible that the problem that causes installs to fail may cause other boot from floppy procedures to fail? I do not know, but would appreciate feedback on this. Other problems with TF2197 Upon boot, immediately following the NUC startup messages, the following warning message appears - for me, only when TF2197 is installed: WARNING: EXTRA BYTES OUT 55476 - or- WARNING: EXTRA BYTES IN 36 I have not determined if there is a pattern which would let you predict which one of the above two messages occurs upon boot up, but one of these messages always appears. If I were to guess, I would say that the OUT message is a cold boot, and the IN a warm boot, but again, I have not figured out the pattern. These messages occur no matter which way I answer the MEM Start and MEM End entries in the DCU - Just thought I'd mention that.

    T10.1) Sony CD33A & Unix 2.01 Install

Kevin R. Bulgrien ( reports: Please note that use of the non-SCSI Sony CD33A CD-ROM drive places restrictions on your configuration of the CD controller: I am using a Sun-Moon-Star controller, but I suspect that these items are also relevant to any controller for the Sony drive. Also note that I am relating this information with regard to the "sony" HBA that comes on the UnixWare 2.01 HBA diskette. As indicated by the Novell "UnixWare 2.0 Installation Handbook", but which bears repeating, the CD will only be usable when the controller is set to IRQ 5, I/O address 320-323, Memory addresses 0-0, and DMA 1. You may want to continue reading if you use a Sony CD33A, and if: 1) You try to use the CD controller at alternate IRQs, DMA channels, or I/O addresses. 2) You have a sound card - especially older ones with hardware straps that are used to configure the card. Here follows my findings on the above listed situations: IRQ 5 a) If not set to 5, the CD may very well be detected. However, when the UW 2.0 install CD is checked, right before installation begins, an error will indicate that the install CD is not in the drive, or the CD is damaged, and unreadable. b) Many sound cards use IRQ 5 by default. A sound card on IRQ 5 will effectively disable a CD controller configured with IRQ five. The CD is detected, but is unusable. BE AWARE that older Sound Blaster cards, and others, I assume, have straps that set the IRQ, BUT, you can change the IRQ with software after DOS boots. The result is that you may actually use another IRQ for your sound card, but, when UnixWare boots, the DOS configuration program is not run to set the IRQ, and the IRQ defaults to the strapped settings - which may be different than the settings you use all the time under DOS! DMA 1 a) Ditto the above notes for this setting. The controller I use will allow no DMA (Polled Mode), or DMA 1-3. No DMA, or DMA channels other than 1 will not prevent the CD from being detected, but will prevent the CD from being readable. b) Same warning goes with regard to strapping, if any, on your sound card. If you are going to have a DOS bootable partition, and want your sound card to be most usable with both, I believe that DMA 3 is the second best choice for the 8-bit sound driver DMA channel. (DMA 5 is commonly used for the 16 bit sound driver.) I/O 320-323 (MEM START & END) I believe, if I remember correctly, that alternate addresses cause the CD to be undetectable - I may be wrong though. The symptoms may be the same as for IRQ and DMA settings. DRQ My controller has settings for no DRQ or DRQ 1-3. I have not experimented with these settings so as to be able to draw conclusions on the results of different settings, however, I detect no problems at all when setting DRQ 1 - which seemed to match up with DMA 1? Maybe this is a dumb conclusion - Any comments from anyone on this?

    T11) Installing Windows 95 on the same disk as a UnixWare partition overwrites the boot loader. What can I do?

Install the osbs boot manager, this can be obtained from osbs can also let you support multiple operating systems on the same machine, say Windows 95, Windows NT , Linux and UnixWare. It presents a menu when booting for which one to select.

    T12) Desktop tools stop working.

Critical system commands such as tfadmin, no longer execute. This causes administration tools in the desktop to not function. These symptoms could occur after doing a backup and restore of system files, or after doing pkgchk -f. TROUBLESHOOTING To determine if the filepriv database is out of sync, as superuser run the command: initprivs CAUSE System commands such as passwd, tfadmin, ftp, etc. rely on the filepriv database to be correct. If a file mentioned in the filepriv database has been modified on the file system in any way, including simply touching the file, and that change is not reflected in the filepriv database, the command will not execute or will not function properly. One way to cause a lack of syncronization between the file system and the filepriv database is by doing pkgchk -f, which goes through the /var/sadm/install/contents file and compares file attributes in the file, with those on the file system. If there is a discrepancy between the two, pkgchk changes the file attributes on the file system to match the contents file. Once the file on the file system has been modified, the filepriv database is now out of sync with the actual file. This will cause the symptoms above to occur. Another way the filepriv database can become out of sync, is by backing up and restoring system files. This causes the 'last update' time of the file to be modified on the file system, which does not match the last update time in the filepriv database. SOLUTION To syncronize the filepriv database with the file system, run the command: /etc/security/tools/setpriv -x To check the filepriv database at any time, run the command: initprivs Initprivs will return nothing if the filepriv database is in sync with the file system.

    T13) Desktop tools stop working when using a monochrome vga monitor

This can be caused by using a monchrome (gray-scale) vga monitor. Checking /tmp/xdm-errors shows some error messages. The X Server does not find enough colours to function. Several work-arounds exist: (1) Reboot the system. When the red Novell logo appears, hit enter to get to the interactive boot prompt. Once there, type "go" and hit enter. The system will come up and will look and function properly. (2) Disconnect the monitor from the VGA card during boot. Once the system has had time to come up, connect the monitor and it should function correctly. (3) Connect a color VGA monitor for boot. Once the system is up, the monitor can be swapped for the monochrome and it should function properly. (4) There have been reports that simply having the monitor turned off during boot also works. However, this could not be reproduced on a consistent basis. Each time the system is rebooted, one of these methods must be used.

    T14) How do I configure Mosaic to change its Home page and foreground/background colours?

Place your Xdefaults in $HOME/Mosaic or /usr/X/lib/app-defaults/Mosaic, or $HOME/.Xdefaults-nodename. The desktop seems to control .Xdefaults. Mosaic*homeDocument: Mosaic*Background: color-name-here Mosaic*Foreground: #000000000000 You can also set various Mosaic defaults on the command line, as in: Mosaic -mono & # for monochrome monitors Mosaic -bg Green -fg White & # set the background colour to green and # the foreground text to white

    T15) Where can I find a driver for my SVGA card ?

If you are running a release before 2.03, then Checkout the betaX distribution on Note that betaX is no longer updated.

    T16) How do I change from a 2 button to 3 button mouse?

Choose the Preferences/Mouse icon from the desktop and select the appropriate number of buttons. If you have a Logitech mouse, then you may also need to apply tf2071.tar from

    T17) Howto update the default modem speed from 38.4 to 115.2

Bob Stewart has written a piece of code called hispeed.c included here. The source is attached (with permission). This program changes the asycspdtab table in the running kernel to support higher speeds than 38400 baud. It changes the speed of the B50 entry to 112500, and the B75 entry 50 57600. There is a restrictions: It only works on a 16550 UART PC serial port, ie: COM1-4 A binary version in uuencode format is available from =========================================================================== /* * SCCSID @(#)hispeed.c 1.5 9/27/95 * * file: hispeed.c * * Copyright 1995, Bob Stewart * This program may be used freely with no limitations on distribution, * except that changes MUST be noted. * * You may not charge another person any fee for a copy of this program. * * Bob Stewart will not be responsible for any errors or problems caused * by this program whether through its proper use, misuse, or abuse. * It is your responsibility to examine this program, and decide whether * you wish to compile and run it on your system. By doing so, you * accept full responsibility for any damage that may occur to your system. * * This program is not not warranteed to perform any function, including * the service it was designed to perform. :-) * * NOTICE: This program modifies your running kernel! * * On Unixware 1.1.x systems, you MUST be using the asyhp driver. * On Unixware 2.x systems, you MUST be using the asyc driver. * * You MUST be using a 16550 uart for hispeed to be effective. If you * are not using a 16550, you will probably experience data over-runs * and data loss at 115.2, and probably at 57.6, as well. * * This program changes the asycspdtab table in the running kernel * to support higher speeds than 38400 baud. It changes the speed * of the B50 entry to 115,200, and the B75 entry to 57,600. * * These changes are NOT permanent. The old speeds will return on reboot. * This program MUST be run by root. * * Change your /etc/uucp/Systems file to enable the higher speed, e.g.: * * dial-earth Any ACU 50 1235678 "" \d "" \d in:--in: login word: password * dial-sun Any ACU 75 3193856 "" \d "" \d in:--in: login word: password * * Make this program by typing "make hispeed", then run it by typing * "./hispeed". For 1.1.x systems, use "./hispeed -h". * * For a printout of the before and after table values, use "./hispeed -v", * or ./hispeed -v -h". */ #include #include #include #include #include void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; int verbose=0; char fileid[]="/dev/kmem"; char symname[15]; short speed[16]; int kmemfd; struct mioc_rksym rks; strcpy(symname,"asycspdtab"); for(i=1; i

T18) How to setup UUCP over TCP/IP between two UnixWare machines

Step 1. Edit /etc/uucp/Devices and uncomment the following line CS - - - CS This then uses the connection server to make connections. Adding ",eg" to the CS string, you can use the "e" =error-free protocol instead of the much slower traditional "g" one. As the TCP "line" can be guaranteed as error-free, there is no need to use the "g" protocol if both sides support the "e" protocol: CS,eg - - - CS Step 2. Edit /etc/uucp/Systems , add a line for each system you want to talk to, for example to system raven raven Any CS - -,listen:10103 This entry makes "uucico" run over the TCP network. It causes the Connection Server to connect to the "10103" service through the "listen" service. The "10103" service invokes uucico. Step 3. Edit /etc/uucp/Permissions, to allow remote systems connecting over the connection server to send and request files (note that remote systems also need an entry in /etc/uucp/Systems). LOGNAME=nuucp SENDFILES=yes REQUEST=yes Step 4. When the above steps are completed on both UnixWare machines, use the following command to make sure that you can UUCP to the remote system. You should get "Conversation Complete: Status SUCCEEDED" at the end of the uutry output. If not, something is not configured properly, or the remote machine is not a UnixWare machine and you should use the other configuration method outlined below to establish UUCP communication. /usr/lib/uucp/uutry -r remote-sys-name

    T19) How to setup UUCP over TCP/IP between UnixWare and another O/S running UUCP.

By conventions most machines support Uucp over TCP on port 540. Step 1. Allow incoming connections on uucp port 540. To perform these steps, you should be logged into the desktop as the system owner and should have an xterm open where you have used the 'su' command to become root. 1.1 Set up the listener to listen on port 540 and test it. 1.1.1 Edit the /etc/inet/inetd.conf file and add the following line to the end of it (all fields are delimited by tabs): uucp stream tcp nowait nuucp /usr/lib/uucp/uucico uucico This sets up a listener through the inetd port monitor to listen for uucp and run uucico as user nuucp. 1.1.2 Stop and start the inetd service by issuing the following commands: sacadm -k -p inetd sacadm -s -p inetd 1.1.3 Test the new listener by telnetting to port 540 as follows: telnet localhost 540 You should get a prompt back that says, "Shere=FOO" where "FOO" is the node name of your UnixWare machine. You can just close this window, open a new window and 'su' to root again. Or, if you wait a few moments the connection will just timeout and give you a '#' prompt back. The 'Shere' line that is displayed is uucp on your machine saying, "Here I am! Send me some uucp commands." If you don't get the "Shere" then something is set up incorrectly. Step 2. Setup the outgoing uucp connection using the Connection Server. In /etc/uucp/Devices put CS - - - CS In /etc/uucp/Systems put node Any CS -,uucp in:--in: Logname word: passwd Where node is the UUCP name is a full domain name that TCP/IP can see uucp is the service in /etc/inet/services (=540) Logname is the login name. Passwd is the password. Plus usual Permissions entries. Step 3. Test the connection. Assuming that the remote system is ready to accept uucp communication from this UnixWare machine on port 540, we should get "Conversation Complete: Status SUCCEEDED" at the end of a uutry. Now uutry the system by issuing the following command: /usr/lib/uucp/uutry -r name Where "name" is the name of the remote system as defined in the /etc/uucp/Systems file. If it doesn't work, something isn't configured correctly. Make sure that the remote system is ready to receive uucp communication. This often requires an entry in the remote system's /etc/uucp/Systems or /etc/uucp/Systems.tcp file for your local system. (In other words, put the UnixWare's system name in the remote machines Systems file(s).)

    T20) How do I get my serial communications working?

To obtain a document on how to trouble shoot serial communications, see

    T21) In UW1.x in order to use the 16550 UART chips in my serial card,

I needed to use the asyhp driver. Is this still necessary in UW2? In UnixWare 2 you should NOT use the 'asyhp' driver. All functionality of the 1.x asyhp driver has been rolled into the new 'asyc' driver so there is no need to modify the default serial driver in UnixWare 2. This is discussed in the man pages for both asyc and asyhp.

    T22) How can I debug outgoing modem connections?

Outgoing calls are managed by the connection server [cs(1M)]. Both cu(1), uucp(1), and ppp(1) use the connection server to dial. When you click on either 'dial' from the GUI device setup window or double click on a system icon, you are running 'cu' and can use this technique to debug your problem. Many every day problems (such as the remote line being busy) can be debugged using the connection server debug mode. To activate cs debug mode, enter the following at the command line as root: # ps -eaf | grep cs # kill -9 (the process id of the /usr/sbin/cs process) # /usr/sbin/cs -d This will start a log in /var/adm/log/cs.debug. A good debugging technique is to have the 'cs -d' running and in a separate terminal window, enter 'tail -f /var/adm/log/cs.debug'. Then, in a separate window do your cu or uucp request. You'll see what is being sent (e.g. atdt5551212) and what is being expected (e.g. CONNECT) as well as some technical details about which line is being selected and so forth. At some point you may want to turn cs debug mode off to save space. To do this, kill the currently running cs process as shown above and restart cs using '/usr/sbin/cs' without the -d option. Alternatively, you could continue to run cs in debug mode and write a cron(1M) daemon that keeps the size of the /var/adm/log/cs.debug file reasonable.

    T23) How can I quickly setup outgoing uucp?

A tar file containing key /etc/uucp configuration files can be found on the freebird archive ( /unixware/freebird/hints/Mail/uucp.quick.tar.Z) . This will setup a hayes compatible modem on COM1 for outgoing uucp only. See the README file included for details.

    T24) How can I access a Comms port from DOS running under UnixWare?

>From a shell prompt on a virtual console try: dos +acom2 (or +acom1) or under X windows, from a shell prompt try: dos +acom2 +x (or +acom1) from you desktop, in the applications folder, click mouse button 3 on the DOS icon, and then select Options, then select a COM port. From there you can invoke this options for a single session by choosing Start, or you can have the current options tied to that icon by choosing Apply. All of the above will fail if another program (like the port manager, connection manager, uucp or cu) has the port locked.

    T25) Where do I find updates and patches for UnixWare 2?

These can be located from (The following is taken from the SCO announcment posting with their permission): CONNECTION INFORMATION for updates and patches for UnixWare2 For anonymous ftp connection: Directory Name: /UW20 ftp to Login name: ftp Password: your email address Nameservice Note: The wu-ftp software used on requires that two kinds of DNS resource records for your site have been propagated to SCO's nameserver: A Name-to-address mapping -and- PTR Address-to-name mapping The lack of a propagated PTR record for your site is the most common cause of problems with anonymous ftp to PTR records are also known as "pointer" records or "reverse" records. For anonymous UUCP connection: Directory name: /usr/spool/uucppublic/UW20 For USA, Canada, Pacific Rim, Asia and Latin America customers: Machine name: sosco Login name: uusls (fourth character is the letter "l") No password List of modems available for UUCP transfer from sosco: V32, V32bis 5@ +408 425-3502 Telebit Trailblazer +408 429-1786 For Europe/Middle East/Africa customers there is a system located at SCO EMEA (London): Machine name: scolon Login name: uusls Password: bbsuucp List of modems available for UUCP transfer from Dowty Trailblazer +44 (0) 1923 210911 V32 +44 (0) 1923 222681 For SCO Online Support (SOS) BBS download: NOTE: Access to the UnixWare Supplements will be available in the near future on the SCO Online Support (SOS) System. These supplements can be downloaded interactively via XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM or Kermit. Follow the menu selections under "Toolchest" from the main SOS menu. List of modems available for interactive transfer from SOS: V32, V32bis 8@ +408 426-9495 Telebit Trailblazer +408 426-9525 Note: telnet access to SOS is available by telneting to For customers with CompuServe Access: Type "GO UNIXWARE" For ftp via World Wide Web: URL to open:

    T26) How can I set the machine to auto reboot on a panic ?

Change /etc/default/init from PANICBOOT=NO to PANICBOOT=YES and remove the execute bit from /sbin/dumpcheck chmod -x /sbin/dumpcheck Rebuild the kernel and reboot. /etc/conf/bin/idbuild -B /etc/shutdown -i6 -g60 -y

    T27) Does UnixWare-x.x support Card and Socket Services ?


    T27.1) Does UnixWare support PCMCIA?

Yes and No. Anything that is supported or is known to be working only works with notebooks with Intel-compatible PCMCIA controllers (ie. Intel, Cirrus, Vadem, VSLI, etc...). See 'What PCMCIA cards work with UnixWare' Check with your notebook's vendor before making a purchase, ie. 1/ What PCMCIA controller chip reside on the notebook ? 2/ Is the PCMCIA controller chip Intel-compatible ? Note that some sales(wo)men just don't know what you are talking about. Double make sure that you can return the notebook. (I am willing to test new enablers/drivers/cards. Send your comments and/or corrections to: Thanh Ma at

    T27.2) What PCMCIA cards work with UnixWare?

1/ UnixWare-1.x, UnixWare-2.0x: o Third party support: - Ositech Communication ( Ethernet/Modem/Sound - Accton Technology - EN2212/EN2216 ( Ethernet only Note: the enabler was written by Lynsoft. It uses native UnixWare ne2k/NE2000 driver. This enabler is not supported by the vendor although it worked fine for me. - Socket Communication - Socket EA+ ( Ethernet and Serial Note: The enabler uses native UnixWare ne2k/NE2000 driver. This enabler is not supported by the vendor although it worked fine for me. o SCO support: None 2/ UnixWare-2.1[x]: o Third party support: - Ositech Communication ( Ethernet/Modem/Sound - Accton Technology - EN2212/EN2216 ( Note: see below - Socket Communication - Socket EA+ ( Note: Both of these cards are listed in the UnixWare-2.1 Hardware Compatibility Handbook (on the web site) as 'Reported' to work However, I failed to get it to work. The transmogrified NE2000 driver in UnixWare-2.1 has changed in such a way that none of these enablers could talk to the driver. o SCO support ( - Ethernet: 3Com-3C589x, Xircom- - Modem: most of the modems (Tested modem cards:US Robotics, Hayes, Megahertz) Note: PCMCIA cards must be resident at boot time in order for them to work.

    T27.3) How do I get my XXXX modem card working ?

Read 'Chapter E', section 'Configuring PC Card (PCMCIA) Modems' in your 'SCO Unixware - Installation Handbook'

    T27.4) How do I get my 3Com 3c589x or the Xircom ethernet card working ?

Just like when you install your ISA ethernet card... 1/ 3Com 3c589x: insert the card into the socket before installing UnixWare-2.1. Select the appropriate driver when prompted. Or run 'niccfg' (available when you install the 'nics' package), and select the appropriate driver when prompted. 2/ Not sure about the Xircom. Should be similar but I just never tried.

    T27.5) Are there any pitfalls when installing UnixWare 2.x on a

laptop with PCMCIA support? (Martin Sohnius writes) Yes, and yes. :-) Buy an Ositech Trumpcard "Jack of Diamonds" combined modem/ethernet card. It's not cheap, but know to be the only one which works with UnixWare. It comes with a UnixWare driver in the box (which installs like a dream), and according to the very good instructions in the README files, you can even use it for a network install. Don't install the nics package; the Ositech driver takes its place later. You other question: pitfalls. It depends on the Thinkpad model. Some of them (notably the 755CX which I have, but also Pentium-upgraded other models) fall over with the Machine Check Exception panic after the first boot floppy. Download the tf2069.tar file from the ftp server (*not* the tf2069as.tar file -- that seems to be corrupt!) and create a new boot floppy from it. Follow the instructions in the *.txt file as to the special boot parameter CR4_MCE=NO You cannot use a CD-ROM in the Thinkpad proper (it's an IDE-ATAPI). So, unless you want to network install with your Ositech or with the "slip install" in the USLE archive (takes forever!), you need a docking station with a SCSI CD-ROM drive. The SCSI adapter in "Dock 1" is a Future Domain (driver name fdeb) and is factory set to IRQ 11. Since UnixWare's default is IRQ 5 for the fdeb driver, you must change it in the DCU (or set the IRQ to 5 in the hardware). Please, totally ignore the TID in the NetWire archive on 755E and docking stations! It's garbage.

    T27.6) What laptop video chipsets does UnixWare support?

UnixWare has native drivers for: 1/ WD90C24xx 2/ Cirrus 54xx If you have the GD7431/3 then you may want to try 2/ above. If the above does not work for you then try: 3/ XFree86 ( 4/ XInside ( 5/ MetroLink (

    T28) Are there any problem in getting UnixWare/NetWare connections

up and running? Greg Smith ( writes: One thing that I (and a number of other people) had problems with is getting the UnixWare/NetWare connections up and running. Specifically, the NUC NLM module doesn't load correctly with older versions of NetWare until a number of updates are taken care of. I had so many problems with it that, after I solved all of them, I wrote a guide on troubleshooting the initial problems for my own use before I forgot any of it, and I packaged it up for others to use as well. It's about 5 pages long and available on my home page, URL (This is also available on

    T29) When installing the 2.02 update, an error appearead about

a bad entry on the contents file - how can this be fixed? When trying to install the 2.02 update on to my 2.01AS system, partway through the following error appeared: bad entry read from contents file : - problem: unknown ftype UX:pkginstall: ERROR: unable to merge package and system information The install halted after the error. I've also noticed that on system startup, the console shows an error message somewhat similar, about a problem merging contents or something. What's the cause of the problem? The problem is in the file /var/sadm/install/contents. Usually the very first line is badly corrupt (no idea what combo of circumstances causes this, though). Delete that first line.

    T30) How do I install the *.pkg.tar.Z files from the freebird archive?

xxxx.pkg.tar.Z A compressed tar archive of a binary in pkgadd format Where a file is suffixed with .gz this means that the GNU Zip file compression utility has been used - to uncompress in this case use gunzip. The ".pkg" software package files follow the ABI (System V Application Binary Interface) conventions for add-on packages and are installed in /opt. It is wise to change the default PATH setting to include /opt/bin in /etc/profile. PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin export PATH If you do not have a /opt, you can create it with the subdirectories /opt/bin, /opt/lib, /opt/man -- you could also use a symbolic link to some other part of disk if you like (for example /usr/local) which can be useful if you get short of free disk space. To make the manual pages accessible to the /usr/ucb/man command set the MANPATH environment variable to include /opt/man, a typical MANPATH might be: MANPATH=/usr/share/man:/opt/man export MANPATH The packages (pkg.tar files) should be installed as follows: 1. Extract the tar archive into /tmp. $ cd /tmp If compressed (.Z) then $ zcat package.tar|tar xvf - $ su # pkgadd -d `pwd` Many of the utilities include desktop icons for point and click operation: 2. Installing graphically On UnixWare 1.x: ---------------- To install graphically on UnixWare (after you have installed the package) Select the System_Setup icon from the Desktop. Select Application_Setup from System_Setup Wait while the system catalogs the applications Select the package icon from Application_Setup to get to Application_Setup:package_name Select the package icon and Finally click on the Install_to_desktop Selecting Applications from the Desktop you should then see the package icon. On UnixWare 2.x: For UnixWare 2.0 and later, use the App_Installer utility in Admin_Tools after doing the pkgadd. Select the Admin_Tools icon from the Desktop. Select the App_Installer icon from Admin_Tools Select the icon of the package from the "All Applications currently installed" window Select Show_Contents Select the installable icon and hit Copy_to_folder Select Apply, followed by Ok.

    T31) How do I configure support for WWW virtual hosts, so that

one machine can have several IP addresses ? This answer has now moved to the Howto Setup Networking FAQ.

    T32) How do I setup the NFS automounter?

On the Client side, Create the file /etc/ /var/mail -hard,grpid,intr,rsize=1024,wsize=1024 /rtmp -hard,grpid,intr,nosuid,rsize=1024,wsize=1024 # This example takes the resource from two servers so if one goes down # the other will kick in. /opt -ro,soft,grpid,intr,rsize=1024,wsize=1024 /fs/marlow/home -rw,hard,grpid,intr,nosuid,rsize=1024,wsize=1024 marlow:/home Edit /etc/rc3.d/S22nfs and enable the automounter to use the /etc/ map (this is towards the end of the start section) # Mount all NFS files listed in /etc/vfstab /sbin/mountall -F nfs & # These modified for local use if [ -x /usr/lib/nfs/automount ] then # only start the auto mounter if our main server is up /usr/sbin/ping windsor 1 | grep alive >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ] then /usr/lib/nfs/automount -tl 1800 /- /etc/ else echo "Windsor is not up - not starting automounter" fi fi ;; 'stop') On the server side, edit /etc/dfs/dfstab For example: share -F nfs /rtmp& share -F nfs -oro /export2/destiny & # this example restricts the sharing to just a couple of machines. share -F nfs -o /var/mail&

    T33) How do I change the IP address and name of a UnixWare box?

Randy Seuss and Martin Sohnius write: uname -S new_node_name /etc/inet/menu Which then takes you thru the screens necessary for assigning IP addresses, routers, etc. I believe that the above is enough, PROVIDED you either reboot the system or at least run the command # sh /etc/rc2.d/S65loopback (For more info as to why, look at the S65loopback script yourself.) and then # /etc/inet/rc.restart

    T34) SMC NIC install & TF2047 (UW2.01)

Kevin R. Bulgrien ( reports: There is a patch TF2047 that corrects a problem with the SMC NIC driver. The error that it fixes can lead to an install session failure: If you are installing UW 2.01 on a system that is already attached to a network which is in use, you will undoubtedly experience a system crash during the portion of the setup which detects and installs support for the NIC. To proceed with the installation without risk of this failure, disconnect the system from the network until after the install is complete. To proceed with the installation after it has locked up during the network setup phase, reboot after you have disconnected the system from the network. Installation of the network card will proceed normally. I experienced this failure a couple of times, and arrived at the above solutions by trial, error, and reading over the TF listings - and noticed the SMC driver patch. This information is implied by the documentation of the TF2047 patch in that it indicates that the SMC driver can crash the system if it receives packets too quickly during the driver initialization, but I have not seen it associated directly with problems experienced during an install.

    T35)How can I read the size of installed memory in a UnixWare system?

At the command line as root, use the memsize(1M) or prtconf(1M) commands. In C you can use the sysi86(SI86MEM) call, for example: #include #include main() { printf ("memsize = %ld \n", sysi86(SI86MEM)); }

    T36) I have UnixWare 2.03 and have problems reading multiple files

from floppy (the machine has 32MB of RAM). Apply ptf2202.tar from

    T37)How do I found out the number of max processes a UnixWare machine

is set for? su /etc/conf/bin/idtune -g NPROC idtune then prints out at most four values The current value of the tunable parameter The default value, from the Mtune entry The minimum valid value, from the Mtune entry The maximum valid value, from the Mtune entry To increase the number of processes to say 1200 /etc/conf/bin/idtune NPROC 1200

    T38) I've lost the root password, what do I do now?

If you can login as the "system owner", then you can use tfadmin(1m) to change root's password. This works on both UnixWare 1.x and 2.x: $ /sbin/tfadmin passwd root or to delete the root password (remember to reset it afterwards) $ /sbin/tfadmin passwd -d root Otherwise you need to use the emergency boot floppy (an EBF).

    T39) How to recover with an Emergency boot?

Peter Lord writes: At some time or other, you will find yourself with a UnixWare machine which either you can't log into or won't boot up. Their are many possible causes for this but perhaps the most common include forgetting passwords, configuring the kernel incorrectly and editing system files by hand incorrectly. One example (now laughable - but not at the time!) was when I wanted to bring the system into single user mode for admin. I edited /etc/inittab to switch the default run-level to 1. Later, I put the run-level back to 6 (not 3!). This left me with a machine which continually re-booted itself! Creating an emergency boot disk set is an essential admin task. On UnixWare 2, create a disk set by :- emergency_disk diskette1 This will take a few minutes. Note that this disk set is unique for you machine. Also, as it contains all your HBA drivers, make sure you create it after your machine is stable and fully installed. When booting with your disk set, a mini version of UnixWare is booted from the floppies. You will be presented with a short menu allowing you to repair disks, mount disks and enter a shell. In my example above, I could enter the shell and edit /etc/inittab before rebooting. As well as creating an emergency boot set, you can also create a backup of your whole machine onto tape and restore this tape with the emergency boot set. See the emergency_rec program to create such a tape.

    T40) Where are the system messages and log files on UnixWare?

Peter Lord Writes: As a UnixWare system administrator, you need to keep track of the various messages that the system generates. But where are these messages? Console Messages If you are using the graphical desktop, you may miss some messages because they are written out to the console or your home virtual terminal (VT). You can switch from the graph VT to the home VT by pressing ALT-SYSRQ together, then H. To get back to the graphical VT press ALT-SYSRQ F1. Operating system messages Occasionally, the kernel will want to print some message out to you. This may be some information, warning or error messages. There are a few ways to read these messages :- 1. /dev/osm devices. As root, you may access the /dev/osm* devices to view these messages. The command "cat /dev/osm1" will print out the messages to date and the command "tail -f /dev/osm1" will print out the last few messages and will continue to print out new ones. 2. /var/adm/log/osmlog file. This file records the output of /dev/osm. Old versions of this file (from previous boots) are kept in the same directory. This file is usually readable by all. 3. Msg_Monitor. This is a graphical tool which monitors the operating system messages from the desktop (found in the Applications folder). This is configurable (so, for example, you can set it up to de-iconify on receipt of a new message). System messages Application programs also want to alert you to possible problems. Usually these will either be generated at the console or through the /dev/osm interface. However, it is possible to collect these messages by severity into a log file. In fact, all the messages from all the machines on the network may be collected together into one file. This system is syslog. The syslog daemon (syslogd(1)) is started from /etc/inet/config. Make sure you have a line thus in this file :- /etc/inet/config:8:/usr/sbin/syslogd::y:/etc/syslog.conf:: And the configuration file /etc/syslog.conf should look something like this :- *.err;kern.debug;daemon.notice;mail.crit;user.none /var/adm/log/messages *.alert;user.none root *.emerg;user.none * /var/adm/log/authlog *.debug @loghost (Note in this example, loghost is an alias in /etc/hosts for the IS monitoring machine) Connection Server The Connection server (cs(1)) is a daemon which establishes connections for TLI/serial network services such as uucp, PPP etc. The log file for the connection server is kept in /var/adm/log/cs.log. However, if you are experiencing connection problems, the information in this log file may not be detailed enough (for example, your uucp connection is failing). The cs daemon can be run in debug mode to give more information in the file /var/adm/log/cs.debug by running cs with the -d option. Firstly, kill off the existing cs process (do a ps -edf | grep cs). Secondly run cs -d (as root).

    T41) How can I revert to the BSD form of (restricted) chown?

By default, chown() system call comes with the old AT&T behavior and allows a user to change the ownership of a file he owns to that of any other user on the system. How can I modify the behavior to the BSD-form (only root can change the ownership of a file)? The BSD way is the FIPS 151-2 and XPG4 way, and indeed there is a tuneable called RSTCHOWN. For strict conformance (and when testing for POSIX FIPS 151-2, XPG etc) this should be set to one. /etc/conf/bin/idtune -g RSTCHOWN will return its value. To set it do # /etc/conf/bin/idtune RSTCHOWN 1 # /etc/conf/bin/idbuild and then reboot.

    T42) Why do I get 'syslog: accept: SIOCGPGRP failed errno 22' in syslog files ?

If you have setup syslog log you may sometime see messages like : Aug 1 13:05:26 myhost syslog: accept: SIOCGPGRP failed errno 22 It's logged at level USER, thus you may not see it if you don't log this level. These messages are related to some program for which system libraries were not specified in the correct order. A common sample is Sendmail 8.7.5. If the program is compiled with C library before socket & nsl libs you may get them. To simply correct the problem, you have to find which program was badly compiled and correct the Makefile. Just put -lc after -lnsl -lsocket, and all should be fine.

    T43) How to turn off multiprocessors in a Unixware 2?

Try 'psradm': EXAMPLES To unlock a processor, or bring it online: psradm -n processor_id To lock a processor, or take it off-line: psradm -f processor_id

    T44) How to avoid the check for open virtual screens when loggin on the console?

Q Sometimes it happens that I can't login at the console window ( h) while logged into the desktop. I get a message that vt01 is still open and have the choice to close it by hand. I then need to log off the desktop to be able to get a login prompt on the console. Does anybody know how to avoid the check for open virtual screens? A. Curt Smith writes: tymon is a pain for too many reasons. Here's my work around for hacking both: /etc/inittab (this file is manufactured from /etc/conf/init.d/*) and /etc/conf/init.d/consoles. The later is a new file in that dir. /etc/conf/init.d/consoles: v1:23:off:/etc/getty vt01 console v2:23:off:/etc/getty vt02 console v3:23:respawn:/etc/getty vt03 console v4:23:respawn:/etc/getty vt04 console v5:23:respawn:/etc/getty vt05 console v6:23:respawn:/etc/getty vt06 console v7:23:respawn:/etc/getty vt07 console v8:23:respawn:/etc/getty vt08 console The above gives you virtual consoles on: Alt-SysReq-F[3-8] Cat the above file to the end of /etc/inittab Modify /etc/inittab and /etc/conf/init.d/kernel Modify line to: co:12345:off:/usr/lib/saf/ttymon -g -v -p "Console Login: " -d /dev/console -l console Add line: co1:12345:respawn:/etc/getty console console BTW: for UnixWare 2.x and 2.1 I've found ttymon to be friendlier than UW 1.x and not requiring being disabled as the above modification does. You be the judge as to how far you want to free yourself from the ttymon/sac/saf tyranny. Alternately Anthony W. Southworth writes: Personally, I don't have a problem with ttymon, but... the very first thing I do after a new install is remove the '-v' option from the console ttymon. I don't see why it's the default configuration. Without the '-v', you can login and logout of the home "console" without shutting down the X server running on vt01. The inittab file (and /etc/conf/init.d/kernel) should look something like this: co:12345:respawn:/usr/lib/saf/ttymon -g -p "Console Login: " -d /dev/console -l console Here's the description of the '-v' option from the ttymon man page: Options In Express Mode (or standalone) ttymon takes the following options: -v On startup, ttymon will list all open virtual terminals (vts) associated with the device specified (typically /dev/console). On exit, the user will be prompted to close all open vts either manually or automatically. Choosing manual places the user in the highest numbered vt at which point the user must manually exit from each vt. Choosing automatic will cause the signals SIGHUP and SIGTERM to each open vt, then after 3 seconds SIGTERM will be sent to each open vt to ensure termination. For systems running with the Enhanced Security Utilities installed, the -v option will disable trusted path processing. [See ttyadm(1M)].

    T45) How to increase per-process size limits to avoid Virtual MEmory Exceeded errors?

Problem: We have an application developed locally that needs as much memory as possible to load 10-15MB digital map files. The default setup on UnixWare 2.03 systems is 32 MB with 64 MB swap, but the program gets a "Virtual Memory Exceeded" error around 14MB. Other tests show this error occurs at 16MB predictably. Solution. MS writes: You need to up your process-size limits. Either with the ulimit or limit commands (for Bourne/Korn and C shell, respectively) on a per-process base (only works for root), or by retuning the kernel parameters # /etc/conf/bin/idtune SDATLIM 33554432 ## soft # /etc/conf/bin/idtune HDATLIM 33554432 ## hard # /etc/conf/bin/idtune SVMMSIZE unlimited ## soft # /etc/conf/bin/idtune HVMMSIZE unlimited ## hard # /etc/conf/bin/idbuild -B ... reboot! The first two set the maximum size of the data segment (the "heap") to 32 MB, the second two remove the limit on the total process size (which is, however, implicitly limited by 32MB of heap + 16MB of stack + program text). Don't raise the stack limit, or a runaway recursion will kill you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgements Thanks go to the following for their contributions (either directly or on the netnews) in putting this FAQ together: Leo Smith, Bob Stewart, Martin Sohnius, Greg Smith, Mike West, Dan Busarow, Randy Seuss, Jeff Lind, Tim Rice, David Stone, Peter Lord, Curt Smith, Anthony Southworth, Ian Hay, Kevin R. Bulgrien, Thanh Ma for the PCMCIA section and last but not least, the Novell & SCO staff who put the tech info on the & sites. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew Josey, To email remove #nospam from From: line. Disclaimer: Any views expressed are not those of my employer, either past, present or future.

Популярность: 14, Last-modified: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 09:22:25 GmT