Origin: http://www.freechess.org/WWWinfo/addresses.html
The Internet Chess Servers are services providing you a
means for playing chess with a wide range of players, both human
and machine, from around the world. The following lists
give both the server names and telnet IP numbers for the sites
for chess servers.
* Chess servers using a version of FICS *
To connect to a chess server:
telnet 5000 [most servers use the 5000 port;
use a different port if necessary]
Main sites maintained by the same group of admins:
AICS: chess.onenet.net 5000 ( 5000) Main US server
fics.onenet.net 5000
EICS: eics.daimi.aau.dk 5000 ( 5000) Main EURO server
Other national sites:
BICS: crocus.warwick.ac.uk 5000 ( 5000) Britain
CrICS: fly.cc.fer.hr 7890 ( 7890) Croatia
DICS: dics.dds.nl 5000 ( 5000) Holland
FrICS: chess.eerie.fr 5000 ( 5000) France
GICS: chess.unix-ag.uni-kl.de 5000 ( 5000) Germany
MaxICS: callisto.si.usherb.ca 5000 ( 5000) Canada
MICS: wisdom.weizmann.ac.il 5000 ( 5000) Mid-east
MEWIS: chess.mds.mdh.se 5555 ( 5555) Wild-only
SICS: chess.mds.mdh.se 5000 ( 5000) Sweden
UCHICS: cipres.cec.uchile.cl 5000 ( 5000) Chile
UMICS: chess.aaum.pt 5000 ( 5000) Portugal
ZICS: ics.interdomain.net.au 5000 ( 5000) Australia
mezquite.iico.uaslp.mx 5000 ( 5000) Mexico
fics.infcom.it 5000 ( 5000) Italy
cygnus.csa.iisc.ernet.in 5000 ( 5000) India
Alternative sites:
chess.net 5000 ( 5000) Boston, MA, US
chess.pitt.edu 5000 ( 5000) Pittsburgh, PA, US
coot.lcs.mit.edu 5000 ( 5000) Test server only
getnet.com 4000 ( 4000) Phoenix, AZ, US
gsi.gsini.net 5000 ( 5000) Rockaway, NJ, US
rogue.coe.ohio-state.edu 5000 ( 5000) Columbus, OH, US
WMUics yakko.cs.wmich.edu 5000 Kalamazoo, MI, US
Internet Chess Club (commercial chess server):
chessclub.com 5000 ( 5000) Pittsburgh, PA, US
chess.lm.com 5000 ( 5000) Pittsburgh, PA, US
Other chess-related servers:
nebin.eurecom.fr 5000 ( 5000) FisheRandom Chess Server
To connect to a chess server:
telnet 5000 [most servers use the 5000 port;
use a different port if necessary]
To connect to an anonymous ftp server:
ftp (at LOGIN type: ftp [or anonymous]
at PASSWORD type: your_email_address)
To connect to a www location:
use your web browser (such as lynx or netscape) and go to the URL address
[Last modified: June 4, 1997 -- Friar / June 9, 1997 -- Dado]
ðÏÐÕÌÑÒÎÏÓÔØ: 23, Last-modified: Thu, 07 Feb 2002 16:54:43 GmT